Analysis – Saturday, 8 May 2021

Where There Is A Vaccine There Is A Way (Out)

Or: No vaccine and you continue the ride on the merry-go-round.

Herd immunity will probably not ever be reached before the end of the year, unless we make vaccination mandatory. Front runner Israel is stuck at roughly 60% full vaccination, the US is at ~30% and it is showing signs of serious slowdown. At 25% full vaccination, Britain's rate is falling behind that of the USA and there is no reason to believe that EU countries will fare any better than their former sister once they have reached the same levels.

This means that the uninvited guest is here to stay but will from now on sleep on the futon in the basement. 

In countries with little vaccine availability, ICU occupation and death rates will remain high throughout the summer. Brazil's numbers are expected to come down a little and continue to burden the health system. Tunisia's high numbers have damaged the economy to the point that they are now seeking help from the IMF, in exchange for cutbacks to their welfare state, with social unrest (or terrorism) certainly to follow.


Daily infections and deaths are 7-day averages per 100K people. Arrows = tendency.
Daily death projections from 7 May until late August assume the continuation of current measures.
Explanations of the numbers are found on the help page.

 Daily Infections
Daily Deaths
Daily Pos. Rate
R value
Brazil28.8 ↘︎1.042 ↘︎ 0.98 →25.3 %↘︎
USA13.3 ↘︎0.211 ↘︎05.5 % ↘︎0.90 ↗︎17.1 %↘︎
WA State17.8 →0.120 ↘︎07.0 % ↗︎1.00 ↗︎09.3 % ↘︎
France27.8 ↘︎0.338 ↘︎06.7 % ↓0.84 ↘︎16.3 %↘︎
Sweden48.8 ↘︎0.177 →10.5 % ↓1.05 ↗︎12.8 %↘︎
Britain03.1 ↘︎0.017 ↓00.2 % →0.90 ↘︎17.2 %
Germany19.3 ↘︎0.269 →09.2 % ↓0.87 →07.4 %↘︎
Tunisia11.0 ↘︎0.668 →24.3 % ↘︎0.95 ↘︎13.2 %↘︎↗︎ 
New Zealand00.1 →0.000 →00.0 % ↗︎1.16 ↑00.1 %
India28.2 ↗︎0.273 ↑21.6 % ↗︎1.23 ↘︎03.3 %↗︎↘︎

Remarks On Actual Deaths Numbers

Correct demographics are hard to come by, particularly when there is little time for verification, such as now. The exact number of cases (incidence) depends on the number of tests performed and is therefore not a good metric to calculate with, let alone base political decisions on.

Death numbers are more reliable because it is hard to argue if a person is dead or not. But when it comes to the cause of death, numbers can differ too. For instance, it is possible that deaths that occur outside of hospitals are not registered at all as being related to the pandemic.

Researchers at the IHME at the University of Washington in Seattle have now looked into this issue. In a nutshell, for a given country, they calculated the average deaths going back several years and compared this number to all deaths reported during the time of the Corona pandemic, which is always higher. They adjusted this number for some factors detailed on their web site. They found that the number of reported Corona deaths was underreported in all countries, sometimes severely so.

Below is a table listing the 20 countries with the highest death numbers, sorted by actual deaths. The USA is at the top here, followed by India. However, if you sort the list by "actual deaths per 100K", India will be found at the bottom of the list and other countries will be at the top, such as Peru, Mexico, Romania, Russia and Kazakhstan. The researchers at IMHE also provide a table with the top 20 countries for deaths per 100 000 people and India is not even among them.

The media hype about India's real (and homemade) problem makes us not see that there are other countries that might be suffering as well, or even more. The media keep reporting the high daily (absolute) numbers, but, in a country with the world's second largest population, all demographics are big numbers. India's problem is NOT the "high" numbers, it is the high speed with which these numbers grow, paired with a complete unpreparedness of people and health care system.

What would I take away from this table? Russia has a big problem and Egypt is not a good tourist destination and, sorry Japan, but there should be no Olympic games.

Actual Covid-19 Deaths

According to the IHME, COVID-19 has caused 6.9 million deaths globally, more than double what official reports show. 
Below is a table of the 20 countries with the highest absolute death counts.

per 100K
per 100K
USA574 043905 2890058 %173273
India221 181654 3950196 %016047
Mexico217 694617 1270183 %169479
Brazil408 680595 9030046 %192280
Russia109 334593 6100443 %075407
Britain150 519209 6610039 %222309
Italy121 257175 8320045 %201291
Iran072 906174 1770139 %087207
Egypt013 529170 0411157 %013166
South Africa054 390160 4520195 %092271
Poland068 237149 8550120 %180396
Peru062 739147 7650136 %190448
Ukraine046 737138 5070196 %107317
France105 506132 6800026 %155195
Spain085 365123 7860045 %183265
Germany083 256120 7290045 %099144
Indonesia045 938115 7430152 %017042
Japan010 390108 3200943 %008086
Romania028 382087 6490209 %148456
Kazakhstan005 620081 6961354 %030435

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