Analysis – 19 December 2020

This holiday season will be truly reflective. And just a little longer than in prior years.
NEW: the graphs now show projections for daily deaths (simplified from IHME)

All of the countries and regions on my blog have a good outlook for early 2021 but some will be faced with an increased burden of hospitalised persons and of fatalities.

This is particularly true for California where incidence numbers are going through the roof and, to a lesser degree, Washington State. The latter has the most yellow of all States on the U.S. incidence map, which is either testimony to good management or poor data reporting. Given the issues from 5 December, when 90 deaths were removed from the statistics (roughly one week of fatalities at that time) and repeated data inconsistencies, as well as an increasing death rate, I am not sure the situation is as good as it looks on paper. New York State's incidence could be plateauing soon and deaths, while also increasing, are projected to have peaked by mid January. The rest of the U.S. could also have their deaths spike in mid January, with ICU saturation becoming more frequent until February. The vaccination effort will be hampered by a deep distrust of the black population in "white" medicine (for very valid reasons rooted in racism). As a consequence, a third of the African Americans will potentially not get vaccinated.

Germany's daily deaths have surpassed any other nation on my blog, only the U.S. minus CA,NY,WA being worse. After their lockdown "light" did not prevent the irresponsible people from satisfying their egotism, a stricter lockdown was imposed, and other European countries have already done so or will soon. A couple of weeks ago, I predicted that, come January, Germany's sick will be air lifted to France but the Gauls demonstrated again their disdain for sticking to rules, which resulted in a re-surge of their numbers. Therefore I am not sure if they will have extra ICU capacity But other countries might..

Sweden, as predicted, is trailing Germany by just a little in deaths but their incidence is so bad that even the king, in an unusual statement, acknowledged that their Corona politics had been a disaster. They should come out of it before Germany though. Britain has a good outlook but their previous nonchalance has permitted the virus to seep deeply into society and now, any weakening of the restrictions will trigger a swift uptick of the numbers. Tunisia is doing better for now, but numbers fall too slowly and vaccination might start only in late Summer, a further blow for their tourism industry.

Brazil, while defying IHME predictions by pushing numbers up, remains to have some of the lowest values in my list but it will probably be April or May before daily deaths have again reached the low point they had in November.


Daily infections and deaths are 7-day averages per 100K people. Arrows = tendency.
Projections of daily deaths for now until February, assuming current measures, are as of 17 December. Explanations of the numbers are found on the help page.

 Daily Infections
Daily Deaths
Daily Pos. Rate
R value
Early Feb.
Brazil022.2 ↗︎0.355 ↗︎  ↘︎ ?
US minus 3059.9 ↗︎0.818 ↗︎09.2% ↘︎1.03 →↑↘︎
California100.8 ↑0.556 ↑12.8% ↑1.17 →⬆︎
Washington046.5 ↗︎0.460 ↑12.1% ↘︎0.94 ↓⬆︎
New York054.6 ↗︎0.556 ↗︎05.3% ↗︎1.09 ↘︎↗︎↘︎
France019.5 ↗︎0.567 ↗︎05.9% ↓0.90 ↗︎↘︎ 
Britain035.3 ↑0.633 ↗︎06.4% ↗︎1.15↑↘︎
Tunisia011.0 ↗︎0.379 ↘︎23.9% ↘︎ 1.09 
Sweden066.5 ↗︎0.678 ↑16.5% ↑1.42 ↑↘︎
Germany027.0 ↗︎0.700 ↗︎09.8% ↘︎1.05 ↘︎ 
New Zealand000.0 →0.000 → 00.0% ↘︎  →
Rhein-Neckar034.4 ↗︎0.587 ↗︎   

Remarks On A Pan-European Response

On 18 December, several European scientists published a short letter in The Lancet calling for a pan-European commitment for rapid and sustained reduction in SARS-CoV-2 infections (PDF with highlights by me).

What they suggest is nothing new and everybody will agree. I alluded to similar EU-wide measures in late October

You can read the one-page paper yourself but the four most important points are:

  • we must avoid the ping-pong effect between EU countries,
  • the common goal must be 1 daily positive per 100 000,
  • we must continue current measures of mask wearing, hygiene, moderate contact reduction, testing, and contact tracing,
  • and we must develop a longer-term common vision.

By doing so we will avoid people driving across the border to Switzerland, where there is currently no lockdown, to go skiing in the morning only to return in the evening, untested and without quarantine, with the virus in tow.

The pandemic will not be over in 2021. In fact, it will last well into 2022 for most countries with early access to the vaccine. Other countries will be suffering for years to come, including the favourite holiday destinations to the South of Europe and Northern America.

Therefore, people who do visit under-vaccinated countries in 2021 or thereafter should be in mandatory quarantine after their return to the EU or the U.S.

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