Analysis – 13 July 2020

Numbers gave a little on this second day of the weekend with traditionally lower numbers

Brazil: Daily cases have fallen four days in a row, now at 12 per 100K and daily deaths have fallen to 0.3. In spite of the weekend drop, I see a peak in new cases emerging.
Outlook: Very Bad With Hope

US minus CA,NY,WA: The weekend has led to a drop in reporting but daily positives still stay above those of Brazil with 19.3 per 100K and daily deaths have fallen to 0.15 with trendlines looking accordingly better. The daily positive rate rose to 9.6% though. The US heat map looks more interesting when viewed on the web site.
Outlook: Very Bad

California: Daily positives rose to 21.4 per 100K but the trendline has given a little for three days in a row. Daily deaths fell to 0.24, still trending up and more steeply so. The daily positive rate rose to 8.3%. The heat map shows coastal counties getting better and hinterland counties getting worse.
Outlook: Very Bad

Washington has no update for the 12th: Here is the one from Saturday: Daily positives remain at 8.4 per 100K with an unchanged trendline and daily deaths remain at 0.2, but trending sharply up. The daily positive rate rose from 5.9% to 6.5%. The heat map looks the same as the day before. Quo vadis, Washington?
Outlook: Bad

New York: Daily positives rose rose from 3.8 to 3.84 per 100K. Daily death numbers remain at a very low 0.03 and the daily positive rate remains at 1.0%. The heat map has added one worse county in the hinterland.
Outlook: Satisfactory

France takes a weekend break and releases no new numbers. Here is the one from Friday: Trends are up but numbers seem to want to settle around their current values. Daily cases gave a little, now at 0.98 per 100K and the trendline is still pointing up. Daily deaths remain low, but rose from 0.02 to 0.04, and the daily positive rate fell from 1.2% to 1.1%. Of concern: the R value is way above 1, as the French epidemiologist claim, but I did not find a number. This is a mixed bag but does not look good.
Outlook: Satisfactory

Germany: Daily cases fell from 0.3 to 0.2 per 100K and the trendline is almost unchanged. Daily deaths are far below <0.01. The daily positive rate was 0.5% three days ago (waiting for the weekly update) and the R value is below one. I am curious to see whether there is an increase in the numbers tomorrow with normal reporting resuming.
Outlook: Good

Tunisia: They added 18 new cases and the number rose to 0.15 per 100K, which is the highest value in 85 days. The trendline is pointing up for real now, no more. No deaths in 2254 days and daily positives have risen from 1.0% to 1.3%. Case numbers are approaching those of Germany, which is of some concern even with the good fatality count.
Outlook: Excellent With Concern

Remarks – On Routine

I notice that the states and countries with, self-proclaimed, good to satisfactory numbers are taking a little bit of a more relaxed attitude towards the pandemic. Some statisticians don't work on weekends any more and went thus back to the old normal. And the virus does not make the front page in the news any more, at lease not on every day like it used to be. Here in my village, there is a growing trend to no longer talk about Covid-19. But there remains this lingering expectation for something worse to happen.

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